

by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.

New York Times Bestseller!  

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Daniel Siegel widens our world with this mind-opening – and mind-bending – exploration of mind itself. From a journey through Mind emerges a compelling sense of our connection to each other, and to the universe.

Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence

A scientist’s exploration into the mysteries of the human mind.
What is the mind? What is the experience of the self truly made of? How does the mind differ from the brain? Though the mind’s contents—its emotions, thoughts, and memories—are often described, the essence of mind is rarely, if ever, defined.
In this book, noted neuropsychiatrist and New York Times best-selling author Daniel J. Siegel, MD, uses his characteristic sensitivity and interdisciplinary background to offer a definition of the mind that illuminates the how, what, when, where, and even why of who we are, of what the mind is, and what the mind’s self has the potential to become. MIND takes the reader on a deep personal and scientific journey into consciousness, subjective experience, and information processing, uncovering the mind’s self-organizational properties that emerge from both the body and the relationships we have with one another, and with the world around us. While making a wide range of sciences accessible and exciting—from neurobiology to quantum physics, anthropology to psychology—this book offers an experience that addresses some of our most pressing personal and global questions about identity, connection, and the cultivation of well-being in our lives.Watch Dr. Dan Siegel discuss his new book, Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human.

Watch a short discussion with Maria Shriver to commemorate World Mental Health Day and discuss the concepts of defining consciousness and the brain versus the mind, found in my new book.

Daniel Siegel widens our world with this mind-opening – and mind-bending – exploration of mind itself. From a journey through Mind emerges a compelling sense of our connection to each other, and to the universe.

Dan Siegel is in my opinion one of the most knowledgeable persons on the mind. His insights into the mind as an embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy and information in the ecosystem of life have had a deep impact on my own understanding of mind and life and have impacted the way I practice and understand the healing process. His latest book takes the understanding of interpersonal neurobiology and self regulation to a new level. If you are interested in the science of healing, this book is a must read.

Dan Siegel is a true pioneer in applying the latest science to well-being, education and public policy. In Mind, he takes us on a scientific and philosophical journey far beyond the view that the mind is just brain activity, with profound implications on how we think, how we feel and how we live.

With a graceful blend of humility and certainty, Dan Siegel ushers us through one of life's biggest questions: "what is the mind?" The book invites us to consider who we are as humans, our value systems, and to explore some of life's most confounding questions. Defining myriad aspects of being human with clarity, poetry, and accessible academic intelligence, this book is a philosophical, neurobiological, scientific and spiritual tour de force. Its clarity and brazen innovation puts it in a category all its own.

Mind is a book only the inimitable Dr. Siegel could write, a rich fusion of science, personal narrative, mindfulness teachings, and new metaphors for picturing the wraithlike mind at work, as it quests for certainty in an uncertain world, and busily tailors a sense of self from the fabric of its varied relationships. It's no surprise that Siegel has improved the lives of many thousands of people the world over; this new book promises to open the eyes of even more.

A leading scientist's visionary journey, a creative and compelling exploration of mind itself.

At once erudite and highly readable, with the proper mix of science and speculation, this book takes the reader on a journey from mind as simply brain activity to mind as energy and information flow to mind as embodied and relational with emergent properties. It shows how exciting possibilities can unfold for us "simply" by changing our minds. This interdisciplinary book elucidates the power of mind and delineates delicately the personal, interpersonal and societal implications of creating a creative and a healthy mind.

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